
Every year, we receive many applications for the adaptive re-use of historic buildings for public services. At the end of every year we make a list of chosen historic buildings according to specific criteria related to the context, community need, architectural value, physical condition, partner(s) and suggested functionality. 




- The building should be historic with visible traditional components. RIWAQ does not restore new/recent concrete and cement buildings. RIWAQ does not restore one-room buildings. 


- The need for restoration should be evident, relevant, and valid. RIWAQ does not restore a building to start a new organization; the building should be for the facilitation/addition/expansion of the work of an existing organization.


- The proposed use should fit the structure and capacity of the building space. RIWAQ will not restore a building in a manner that harms its authenticity. 


- Rental agreement or ownership papers should be available (or negotiated). In case of leasing agreements, the leasing period should not be less than twelve years. RIWAQ will not accept a leasing agreement with any conflict of interest, therefore agreements should be between the owner(s) and the registered organization. 


- The future beneficiary (organization) must commit to a 20% match to the project due on the tender publication date.



After the project is selected, RIWAQ requires the following from the partner:


- We require that all dirt and debris be removed from the site and the interior of the building (s) prior to survey work. Any stones found on site are to be set aside to be re-used during project restoration. 


- The building user(s) commits to maintaining the building every two years and not to harm the building in any manner that may jeopardize its historic characteristics. 


- Once the approval letter is sent from RIWAQ, it is valid for six months awaiting the response of future users to the above mentioned requirements.  RIWAQ works on a first-come first-serve basis.


- If RIWAQ cannot fundraise for the building within a year of signing a mutual agreement, any and all commitments made during this period become null and void.


You can download the application here. Please complete and send to