Donors & Partners

RIWAQ would like to acknowledge the following organizations that provide essential operational and programmatic support for our full range of activities: 

Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development

ALIPH- International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict area:

Arts Collaboratory

Bethlehem University:

Cultural Protection Fund of the British Council:

CRDP/United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

 Doen Foundation 

 European Union 

European Union through EuroMed Heritage

European Union through the ENPI-CBC  tool

Federal Republic of Germany through its Development Bank (KFW) and executed by the United Nations Program/ Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP)

French Consulate:

Ford Foundation 

  French Development Agency (FDA) through  The NGO development Center- NDC

  Foundation for Arts Initiatives

  Goethe Institute

  Hivos International

  Middle East Children Alliance (MECA):

 OPEC Fund for international Development

  Open Society Foundation

  Representative Office of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prince Claus Fund 

Tamari Foundation 

Tides Foundation

Tom Kay

The Swedish Government  

Government of Sweden through UNESCO:


Wallonie-Bruxelles International

Walloon Heritage Institute (IPW) 

The Welfare Association


In addition to our funding partners, Riwaq has established a network of partnerships with the following local and international organizations through which we design and implement joint activities: 


Al Kamandjati Music Association 

Arseya for Environmental Activities 

Playgrounds for Palestine 

Middle Ease Children’s Alliance MECA 

Center for Cultural Heritage Conservation (CCHP) 

The Hebron Rehabilitation Committee (HRC) 

The Old city of Jerusalem Revitalization Program (OCJRP) 

Ramallah Municipality 

Nasser Golzari Architects 

Oxford Brooks University 

Palestine Writing Workshop (PWW) 

The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University  (GSAPP) 

The NGO development Center- NDC

University of Arizona (Tejido Group)


RIWAQ is an active member of the Network for Experimental Palestinian Tourism Organization (NEPTO)


RIWAQ is a founding member of ICOMOS Palestine