Heritage Trails and guided tours (Re-Walk Palestine)

The idea behind designing heritage trails is to connect historic centers with each other and with the areas in between.  We believe that to connect is to revive. By connecting services, activities, and spaces with each other in a complementary relationship, we are providing communities with enhanced services, cultural activities, economic opportunities, and local and experiential tourism. 


We aim to explore cultural heritage while enjoying the beauty, richness, and diversity of Palestine’s historic centers. We are committed to bringing awareness to cultural, natural, and architectural heritage, and we encourage people to challenge the fragmentation of our geography. We are equally dedicated to the promotion of our sites for tourism and economic activity.


Ramallah Highlands Trail is RIWAQ’s first heritage and cultural trail developed through the Mutual Heritage project as part of the Euromed Heritage IV program funded by the European Union.  The route tours the central highlands of the West Bank in the Ramallah region, and connects nine locations with trails for hiking, biking or driving. It connects Ramallah and al Bira, Ras Karkar, Birzeit, Jifna, Jalazon Refugee Camp, ‘Ein Siniya, Dura al Qar’, Silwad, and at Taiyiba (Taybeh). The route was designed around existing attractions, services, landscapes and events and is easily accessible to groups or individuals.  


The Ramallah Highlands Trail represents the mutual heritage of sites within the wider scheme of the most significant 50 historic centers across the region as identified by RIWAQ. The trail examines and promotes Palestinian cultural heritage, highlighting 19th and 20th century architectural heritage, the surrounding cultural landscape, archeological sites, as well as cultural activities and services available. It focuses on bringing local and global awareness to improving tourism and supporting the rehabilitation of historic centers in Palestine, and caters to both local and international tourists. A heritage map and guide are available for download.


RIWAQ is part of NEPTO (Network for Experiential Palestinian Tourism Organizations), and we coordinate our activities with network members. For more information on RIWAQ’s guided tours of these trails, please email us at info@riwaq.org